Dovid Urmanov

Name and surname Dovid Urmanov. All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Dovid Urmanov.

Dovid Urmanov meaning

Dovid and Urmanov compatibility

Dovid Urmanov origin

Dovid Urmanov definition

Nicknames for Dovid Urmanov

Dovid Urmanov in other languages

Dovid Urmanov compatibility

Dovid best name meanings: Cheerful, Active, Friendly, Generous, Mindful. Get Dovid name meaning.

Urmanov best surname meanings: Active, Competent, Temperamental, Serious, Mindful. Get Urmanov meaning.

Dovid name origin. Yiddish form of David. Get Dovid name origin.

Dovid name diminutives: Dudel. Get Nicknames for Dovid.

Synonymous names for Dovid in different countries and languages: Dávid, Dafydd, Dai, Dáibhí, Dàibhidh, Daividh, Daud, Dauid, Dave, Daveth, Davey, Davi, David, Davide, Davie, Davit, Daviti, Davud, Davy, Daw, Dawid, Dawood, Dawud, Dewey, Dewi, Dewydd, Dovydas, Taavet, Taavetti, Taavi, Taffy. Get Dovid in other languages.

Dovid and Urmanov compatible by 74%. Get Dovid and Urmanov compatibility.

Dovid Urmanov similar names and surnames

Dovid Urmanov Dudel Urmanov Dávid Urmanov Dafydd Urmanov Dai Urmanov Dáibhí Urmanov Dàibhidh Urmanov Daividh Urmanov Daud Urmanov Dauid Urmanov Dave Urmanov Daveth Urmanov Davey Urmanov Davi Urmanov David Urmanov Davide Urmanov Davie Urmanov Davit Urmanov Daviti Urmanov Davud Urmanov Davy Urmanov Daw Urmanov Dawid Urmanov Dawood Urmanov Dawud Urmanov Dewey Urmanov Dewi Urmanov Dewydd Urmanov Dovydas Urmanov Taavet Urmanov Taavetti Urmanov Taavi Urmanov Taffy Urmanov