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Laura name definition

Laura name definition: this name in other languages, spelling and pronunciation variants, female and male variants of name Laura.

Define Laura

Feminine form of the Late Latin name Laurus, which meant "laurel". This meaning was favourable, since in ancient Rome the leaves of laurel trees were used to create victors' garlands. The name was borne by the 9th-century Spanish martyr Saint Laura, who was a nun thrown into a vat of molten lead by the Moors. It was also the name of the subject of poems by the 14th-century Italian poet Petrarch.

As an English name, Laura has been used since the 13th century. Famous bearers include Laura Secord (1775-1868), a Canadian heroine during the War of 1812, and Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957), an American author who wrote the 'Little House on the Prairie' series of novels.

Is Laura a girl name?

Yes, name Laura has feminine gender.

Masculine forms of name Laura

Name Laura has similar male names. Men's names like name Laura:

Where does the name Laura come from?

Name Laura most common in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovene, Croatian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Late Roman.

Laura name variants

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More about name Laura

Laura name meaning

What does Laura mean? Meaning of name Laura.


Laura name origin

What does Laura origin? Origin of first name Laura.


Laura name definition

Define Laura name. Laura name definition.


Nicknames for Laura

Laura name diminutives. Nicknames for first name Laura.


Laura in other languages

Laura in other languages. Relative names to name Laura.


How to spell Laura

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Laura compatibility with surnames

Laura compatibility test with surnames.


Laura compatibility with other names

Laura compatibility test with other names.


List of surnames with name Laura

List of surnames with name Laura