Rochelle Gavilanes

Name and surname Rochelle Gavilanes. All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Rochelle Gavilanes.

Rochelle Gavilanes meaning

Rochelle Gavilanes origin

Rochelle Gavilanes definition

Rochelle Gavilanes compatibility

People named Rochelle Gavilanes

Rochelle best name meanings: Volatile, Creative, Friendly, Active, Temperamental. Get Rochelle name meaning.

Rochelle name origin. From the name of the French city La Rochelle, meaning "little rock". It first became commonly used as a given name in America in the 1930s, probably due to the fame of actress Rochelle Hudson (1914-1972) and because of the similarity to the name Rachel. Get Rochelle name origin.

Most common surnames with name Rochelle: Riopelle, Gavilanes, Corkron, Shenton, Bonikowski. Get List of surnames with name Rochelle.

Most common names with last name Gavilanes: Rochelle, Ronni, Marcy, Shanika, Verna. Get Names that go with Gavilanes.