Jefferson best name meanings: Temperamental, Creative, Mindful, Friendly, Volatile. Get Jefferson name meaning.
Thompsett best surname meanings: Generous, Friendly, Temperamental, Volatile, Mindful. Get Thompsett meaning.
Jefferson name origin. From an English surname meaning "son of Jeffrey". It is usually given in honour of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third president of the United States and the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Get Jefferson name origin.
Thompsett origin. From a diminutive form of Thomas. Get Thompsett origin.
Transcription or how to pronounce the name Jefferson: JEF-ər-sən. How to spell Jefferson.
Synonymous surnames for Thompsett in different countries and languages: Maas, Maes, Maessen, Masi, Masin, Mas, Mašek, Masson, Tamás, Thomas, Tomàs, Tomasson, Tomčič, Tomčić, Tomov, Tómasson. Get Thompsett in other languages.
Most common surnames with name Jefferson: Mcmannus, Brixey, Depeyster, Delea, Fohl. Get List of surnames with name Jefferson.
Jefferson and Thompsett compatible by 83%. Get Jefferson and Thompsett compatibility.