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Jefferson Tamás

Name and surname Jefferson Tamás. All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Jefferson Tamás.

Jefferson Tamás meaning

Jefferson Tamás meaning: summary analysis of meaning of name Jefferson and surname Tamás.


Jefferson name meaning

Name meaning of Jefferson. What does the name Jefferson mean?


Tamás meaning

Surname meaning of Tamás. What does the surname Tamás mean?


Jefferson and Tamás compatibility

Compatibility of surname Tamás and name Jefferson.


Jefferson name origin

Origin of the name Jefferson.


Tamás origin

Origin of the surname Tamás.


Jefferson name definition

Define first name Jefferson.


Tamás definition

Define surname Tamás.


Jefferson compatibility with surnames

Jefferson name compatibility test with surnames.


Tamás compatibility with names

Tamás surname compatibility test with names.


Jefferson compatibility with other names

Jefferson compatibility test with other names.


Tamás compatibility with other surnames

Tamás compatibility test with other surnames.


List of surnames with name Jefferson

Most common and uncommon surnames with name Jefferson.


Names that go with Tamás

Most common and uncommon names with surname Tamás.


How to spell Jefferson

How do you spell Jefferson in different countries and languages?


Tamás in other languages

Learn how surname Tamás corresponds to surnames in another language in another country.


Jefferson best name meanings: Temperamental, Creative, Mindful, Friendly, Volatile. Get Jefferson name meaning.

Tamás best surname meanings: Friendly, Mindful, Cheerful, Temperamental, Creative. Get Tamás meaning.

Jefferson name origin. From an English surname meaning "son of Jeffrey". It is usually given in honour of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third president of the United States and the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Get Jefferson name origin.

Tamás origin. Derived from the given name Tamás. Get Tamás origin.

Transcription or how to pronounce the name Jefferson: JEF-ər-sən. How to spell Jefferson.

Synonymous surnames for Tamás in different countries and languages: Maas, Maes, Maessen, Masi, Masin, Mas, Mašek, Masson, Thomas, Thompsett, Thompson, Thomson, Tomàs, Tomasson, Tomčič, Tomčić, Tomov, Tómasson. Get Tamás in other languages.

Most common surnames with name Jefferson: Mackle, Riofrio, Cornman, Lampl, Cirilli. Get List of surnames with name Jefferson.

Most common names with last name Tamás: Ollie, Brian, Vina, Cheryll, Ivana. Get Names that go with Tamás.

Jefferson and Tamás compatible by 81%. Get Jefferson and Tamás compatibility.

Jefferson Tamás similar names and surnames

Jefferson Tamás Jefferson Maas Jefferson Maes Jefferson Maessen Jefferson Masi Jefferson Masin Jefferson Mas Jefferson Mašek Jefferson Masson Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thompsett Jefferson Thompson Jefferson Thomson Jefferson Tomàs Jefferson Tomasson Jefferson Tomčič Jefferson Tomčić Jefferson Tomov Jefferson Tómasson