Aruna name definition

Aruna name definition: this name in other languages, spelling and pronunciation variants, female and male variants of name Aruna.

Define Aruna

Means "reddish brown" in Sanskrit. The Hindu god Aruna (अरुणा) is the charioteer who drives the sun god Surya across the sky. The feminine form अरुणा is transcribed the same way. The modern masculine form is Arun.

Is Aruna a boy name?

Yes, name Aruna has masculine gender.

Is Aruna a girl name?

Yes, name Aruna has feminine gender.

Masculine forms of name Aruna

Name Aruna has similar male names. Men's names like name Aruna:

Where does the name Aruna come from?

Name Aruna most common in Hinduism, Indian, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi.

Relative names to name Aruna

Other scripts for name Aruna

, (Sanskrit), (Telugu), (Tamil), (Kannada), (Malayalam), (Hindi)